Beth Chaplin Voiceover

Clarity. Calm intensity. Fiery chill.

Illuminate your message.


Don’t let the calm exterior fool you. Sure, Beth brings a sense of ease to every project, but there’s always a fire just beneath the surface. You can feel the warmth. What you don’t see is the intensity and focus she brings to every challenge.

Oh yeah, Beth loves a good challenge: take it on, break it down, understand and deliver — quickly and efficiently. Throughout her voiceover career, she has voiced over one-hundred commercials and over a thousand corporate narration programs: medical training, safety procedures, e-learning and industrial processes of all kinds. Her extensive actor training and experience fuel her commitment to telling a great story, no matter how challenging the script may be.

In fact, love of a good challenge is what led her to acting on stage, then on-camera and voice-over. It led her to adopt and train rescue German Shepherds, to play the Mozart Concerto on the clarinet, to plant a thriving garden in the short Minnesota summers, and even to play hockey goalie.

(Yes, you may be asking: Beth STILL plays hockey? Hey, when you live in Minnesota, somethin’s gotta get you through the winter… and it takes a bit of fiery chill to handle hockey pucks flying at you!)

After 25 years in the VO biz, she’s still passionate about every new voiceover challenge. She’ll take on your script and deliver clarity. Pull up a chair alongside the fire, relax and let Beth illuminate your message with calm intensity and fiery chill.

Beth’s professional audio studio:
Neumann TLM103 microphone
Apollo Twin pre-amp
Custom-built booth
Adobe Audition and Audacity
Files delivered in your preferred format
Source Connect, Zoom, Skype



Client Testimonials

Greg Geitzenauer, Grey Ghost Sound

“Beth brings ease and warmth to every script she touches. So much experience that you could have a 5 year old direct the session and Beth would make that kid look like a genius. With some talent all of your time is spent trying to get one good take; Beth will give you the opposite problem: so many great takes you’ll have option paralysis.”

Tom Hambleton, Undertone Music

“I have known Beth Chaplin as a Voice-over Actor for over 20 years and she never fails to have the enthusiasm, willingness, and ability to get the job done right. When you couple this with talent, finely trained skills and an uncanny ability to read long-form content sight unseen with very few mistakes, you can see why she “makes my job easy” as an Audio Engineer and I don’t hesitate to recommend her. Clients are always happy with her professional style and sound.”

Jim Schnobrich, Audio Ruckus

“For as long as I have been recording voice-overs, Beth Chaplin has been among the best of the best. Her ability to immerse herself in the meaning of a script and deliver the message with taste, style, and technical precision is astounding to witness and amazing to hear. She’s never failed to give her clients exactly what they were looking for every time!”

Wynn Grothem, Tri-Audio Productions

“I have had the pleasure of working with Beth for many years (I promise not to say how many). She is incredibly talented and her ability to interpret scripts and add the right nuances makes my job so much easier. When a client hires Beth, I know we’ll have a project that is done professionally and will sound great!”

Karen Quale, Audio Ruckus

“I’ve worked with Beth for many years on countless projects and have always found her to be quick to zero in on what the client wants to hear and deliver it with efficiency and confidence. It doesn’t matter what gets thrown at Beth, she always comes through; a true professional.”

Tom Williams, Writer/Director, INTJ LLC

“Beth Chaplin is the consummate voice-over artist, a master at reading narration copy. She manages to sound confident, relaxed, intelligent and caring all at the same time. She takes direction cheerfully and nimbly. Beth is on my all-star team of reliable and talented collaborators in creating high quality programs.”


Extensive actor training and teaching experience fuel Beth's love of storytelling, both fiction and non-fiction. In addition to the books featured on her website, she has narrated dozens of children’s and young adult books for Capstone Press, and is the voice of Read Naturally - a reading program used in schools across the country.


Kathleen Humphrey

“Beth has a vast store of knowledge which she is very generously willing to share. She has great insight into script analysis and interpretation and is able to elicit the best read from everyone she works with. When helping me to create a new demo, she puts me right at ease. I always come away from a session with Beth feeling that I’ve learned so much and I’m really good at what I do.”

Steve Brown

“My experience with Beth Chaplin was amazing. She patiently guided me through my first demo from initial script choices, all through my vocal recording sessions and all the way down to the strategic placement of where each spot landed in the final demo order. She does an incredible job of straddling the line between boosting confidence while at the same time offering constructive alternate ways to approach each read. I appreciated every minute of the demo process and highly recommend her as a guide.”

Alison Young

“Beth Chaplin is one of my favorite coaches. She gets right to the heart of things in a professional manner yet with a fun and supportive attitude. She helped me create successful commercial and narration voice-over demos, bringing out the very best in me! I highly recommend Beth.”

Shelley Miller

“Beth is a wonderful coach! She is able to pull things out of you and lead you to a solution. She really hears you! Beth has been a coach to me for many years and I find her advice and process has helped my voice over career grow and thrive.”

Aimee K. Bryant

“Beth helped me put together my narrative and commercial VO demos. She waded through tons of copy and helped choose the best material to match my sound and personality. She referred me to an amazing engineer, and coached me through the session. The resulting demos have booked several jobs for me without me having to audition. She really knows what she’s doing.”

Joetta Wright

“Not only is Beth Chaplin incredibly talented and knowledgeable, but her ability to share what she has learned throughout her artistic career is truly impressive. She honestly loves what she does, and is always willing to learn and grow with our industry, which makes her a powerful and deeply impactful educator. When we were working on my demo, she listened to me, tailored each session to my individual needs, gave me priceless advice about current trends in the industry and how to lean into my unique strengths. When you take a class from Beth Chaplin, you’re signing yourself up for life long lessons that will always ring true.”

I love to teach. Before becoming a professional actor, I was a school teacher - speech, theater, English and French. More recently, I taught on-camera and voiceover acting to University of MN students. Though I didn’t last long in the public school system (successful teachers are saints), my joy remains in helping others learn and improve.

Before you seek VO coaching, you need to know the cold, hard truth: Voiceover is a tough, competitive business. If you want to make money as a VO artist, you need talent, work ethic and drive. (A nice voice is nowhere near enough.) When you enter the business, you’ll need a significant investment of time and money (to be able to record auditions and produce a competitive VO demo) before you might see financial reward.

There, I said it. Sorry if that’s a downer, but you need to know the reality before you invest your precious time, energy and money. That being said, the world of professional voiceover is a fabulous business. If you’d really LOVE to be a voiceover artist and are fully aware of the challenges, then jump in with eyes wide open!

If you’d like to join me for private coaching or workshops, I can’t promise you’ll book work. I can only promise that you’ll improve. I want everyone to leave a coaching session or workshop with new tools and techniques to deliver copy more confidently and truthfully.


For booking and rates please contact:

Wehmann Voice
612 333-6393



